In the book of Romans, Paul addresses how the people had exchanged the knowledge of God to instead worship man-made idols and foreign gods. Part of these forms of worship required men and woman to exchange their natural sexual orientations and o instead engage in same-sex behaviours as part of ritual practices. These passages have been used over time to condemn loving same-sex relationships. What Paul is addressing is going against our natural instincts whether same or opposite sex attracted, as a form of worship and thus nullifying the worship of Yahweh God, the creator of all things.

On Sunday we unexpectedly had no electricity for our service so we thank you in advance for your understanding that the audio and visual quality will be different.

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Melbourne Inclusive Church boldly and proudly proclaims Christ’s equal love for all people regardless of their ability, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, age, gender, race, ethnicity, or culture. Melbourne Inclusive Church is part of the EMI Global family of churches.