Easter 2023 What is Jesus Doing Now?

Jesus Paves the Way

On Palm Sunday we celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. This would be the final week of Jesus life before His crucifixion. He is paving the way for our salvation but before He goes He has a few things to say. Let us learn from Jesus final words to us...
Easter 2023 What is Jesus Doing Now?


What does it mean to be born again? How does this rebirth come and to whom is it for? Jesus tells Nicodemus, a religious leader, that everyone must be born again from those in high positions to those on the fringes. How is this possible Nic asks….listen in as we...


The Bible tells us to not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. How in this world do we renew our minds which so much noise going on inside? Listen in as we discover together what it means to be renewed. To support the ministry of...


The Apostle Paul tell us do not conform to this world but rather to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. When we are transformed we will then know God’s will. What does it mean to live a transformed life? Let’s listen in to get a glimpse. To...