Spirit-Filled Entrepreneur Pt 1

Unclobber: 1st Corointhians

When Paul saw the early Christians returning to idol worship, he was disturbed by the behaviour and reminded the church in Corinth that those who worship idols will not inherit the Kingdom of God. In this sermon, Pastor Becky breaks down the meanings of the words in...
Spirit-Filled Entrepreneur Pt 1

Unclobber: Romans

In the book of Romans, Paul addresses how the people had exchanged the knowledge of God to instead worship man-made idols and foreign gods. Part of these forms of worship required men and woman to exchange their natural sexual orientations and o instead engage in...
Spirit-Filled Entrepreneur Pt 1

Unclobber: Leviticus

God told Abraham “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing”. Fast forward to the book of Leviticus where God explains how the people of God would become a great nation. In Leviticus,...
Spirit-Filled Entrepreneur Pt 1

Unclobber: Sodom and Gomorah

The story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah has long time served as “evidence” for Christians to discriminate against the LGBTQIA+ community. However, through in-depth study of this passage, Pastor Becky sheds light on the true sins of Sodom: her...