Identity Part 1 My Core

Identity Part 1 My Core

How would you fill in this blank. Hello, I am… Most of us would use our name, but if I asked you to write in the one thing that identifies you, what would you write? Many times our core identity is based on the culture of the day. Traditional culture…your...
Identity Part 1 My Core

The Power of Joy

Joy is more than a cute expression about turning your frown upside down. Joy is the power of God to connect with community, sense God’s love and excitement about your life and the power of God to endure the most challenging times of life. Joy is a powerful means...
Identity Part 1 My Core

Pentecost-Love on Leaven

Pentecost was more than just an “all the sudden” show of power-it had been planned long ago. Pentecost is God’s love for us poured out with the kind of power we need to help us navigate a chaotic world. It’s God’s love on leaven (yeast)....
Identity Part 1 My Core

Perseverance-Sustainability for the Christian Faith

We talk a lot about sustainability these days. How do we maintain or support what has been created. We understand the importance of continuous improvement, renewable energy, lest what was gained be lost. The same holds true with our faith. In the Bible we call this...
Identity Part 1 My Core

Prophecy (Mothers Day and IDAHOBIT)

Today we celebrated Mothers Day in its various forms. We then looked at the prophesies that speak to the inclusive love of God for all people. We looked at how from the fall God’s plan to redeem us has been playing out. It may not always look like it but God is...
Identity Part 1 My Core

Prayer: Intercession

Jesus gave us a model for prayer in the Lord’s Prayer. But Jesus also shows us a model of prayer not only for ourselves but for others. Intercession is where prayer comes full circle. Like Jesus we connect with God in prayer for our needs and direction in life....