Awareness of Others

Awareness of Others

We read in Scripture where we are to care for one another. Bear each others burdens. How can we do this if we are not aware of others. We get so caught up on our smart devices that many times we lose the human touch. Being aware of the presence of God produces fruit...
Awareness of Others

Awareness-The Presence of God

We read in Scripture that God is always with us and will never forsake us. Theologically we are aware that God is omnipresent. But are we aware of the presence of God in our every day experiences and troubles? Do we sometimes feel like God is far away? Listen in as we...
Awareness of Others

Do You Know Who You Are

Do you know who you are? It’s a question we all ask at some point in life. Moses had some choices to make in life. Remain living with a fake ID and have fame and fortune or acknowledge and live his true identity. Many of us have used false identity in our...
Awareness of Others

Facing My Insecurity

All human beings experience a sense of insecurity from time to time. These insecurities build over time. They may start as a small crack in our identity through rejection or criticism or the way we compare our life to others. Sometimes it’s a traumatic event....
Awareness of Others

Identity Part 3 Do You Wrestle with God

Do you ever wrestle with God on issues in or about your life? Sometimes we wrestle in life to find our identity, we spend years trying to find validation from others when all along we discover we have been wrestling with God. The world which changes so rapidly...
Awareness of Others

Identity Part 2 Not Based on Looks

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When God sees you God sees a masterpiece. Our identity is not based on looks or cultural norms. Our identity is found in the one who created us in the first place. Everything else flows from this position. When the world lets you...